Crying...a cause for gratitude

We should be thankful for our tears;
they prepare our eyes for a clearer vision of God.
-William Arthur Ward

This reminds me of the time when I took speech class.
One of my speech topics was about how suppressing tears
can be toxic to our health. I remember Belle during the last day of school
when she saw her first grade teacher, Mrs. Tom, crying.
She said to her: "It's okay to cry Mrs. Tom, because you need it to release toxins in your body."
(she heard me practicing my speech too many times she memorized some of it:)

So even crying is something to be thankful for.

To be always in a thankful state of heart before God is not to be considered a high plane of spirituality but rather the normal attitude of one who believes that all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose.
-William Law

Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/07/2007  


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