The Fog...A reminder of Hope
It’s been foggy for the past couple of days. It’s the first time I’ve seen it like this since we moved here. I always marvel at the splendor of the seascape whenever I glance outside. But the last couple of days I can’t even see past the next house. Well, today, the fog finally subsided and I can see the ocean again. The sight is like a breath of fresh air. This allowed for an even deeper appreciation for the majestic beauty that abound.
Our problems are like the fog. We need them so that when it passes, and it will, we can have a deeper appreciation of life and glorify Him who created and sustains it. We need to see past our problems, past the fog, and believe in the knowledge that there is hope, that it is temporary and will come to pass, that there is a blue ocean past the fog.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/17/2007 0 comments
Piggy Back Ride with Ian
we forget to enjoy them.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/16/2007 0 comments
{On Eternity}
God hath given to man a short time here upon earth,
and yet upon this short time eternity depends.
-Jeremy Taylor
May we use our short time here upon earth....
To seek Your face
and know You intimately
To enjoy your blessings
and be filled with gratitude
To see you in every person, place and thing
and love each other and all that there is
To keep your promise in our hearts
and realize what might be
To long for the longing
and believe the best is yet to come.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/16/2007 0 comments
A Precious Prayer from my Little Angel

requiring I take Isabella with me when I take Ian to school.
She gets a little car sick in the morning. When we got home
she said: "I don't feel very well, mommy".
I said: "Let me pray over you". About 5 minutes after my prayer
she said: "Mommy I’m feeling so much better. Thanks for the prayer."
So off we went to school.
I met with my new friend, Tessie, and she went with me to my 9:30am dance class. Then we had coffee together and talked for a while. It was time for me to pick up Ian (minimum day today) shortly after that. Afterwards, Phil and I had lunch at Yanagi Sushi (he comes home after his first class as his next class is not until 3pm). Then I cleaned for a little bit and....
... it was time to pick up Belle. We always talk about her day and then we enjoy the view during our drive home. In our moment of silence, I inadvertently uttered out loud to myself: "I’m not feeling very well". Isabella’s precious voice from the backseat: "You just need prayer mommy and you’ll feel much better. Let me pray, Dear God, let my mommy feel better, she’s the most wonderful mommy, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
My soul, overpowered with a sense of spiritual ecstasy,
seemed to have soared to heaven
to give an ever so tight embrace
to the One who makes all things possible
for bestowing heavenly moments such as this
for His unfathomable sovereignty, goodness, and mercy.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/12/2007 0 comments
{On Happiness and Contentment}
It is not how much we have,
but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness
-Charles Haddon Spurgeon
They are not poor that have little,
but they that desire much.
The richest man, whatever his lot,
is the one who’s content with his lot.
-Dutch proverb
Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want,
but the realization of how much you already have.
Happiness is not where or when, but here and now!
-Zig Ziglar
Happiness: Always has been; Always will's what we make it.
The happiest of people do not necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the most of everything.
There is no key to happiness;
the door is always open
my thought:
A happy life is a matter of choice,
a matter of perception,
a matter of faith.
If we truly believe
then happiness is inevitable.
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/08/2007 0 comments
Crying...a cause for gratitude
We should be thankful for our tears;
they prepare our eyes for a clearer vision of God.
-William Arthur Ward
This reminds me of the time when I took speech class.
One of my speech topics was about how suppressing tears
can be toxic to our health. I remember Belle during the last day of school
when she saw her first grade teacher, Mrs. Tom, crying.
She said to her: "It's okay to cry Mrs. Tom, because you need it to release toxins in your body."
(she heard me practicing my speech too many times she memorized some of it:)
So even crying is something to be thankful for.
To be always in a thankful state of heart before God is not to be considered a high plane of spirituality but rather the normal attitude of one who believes that all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose.
-William Law
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/07/2007 0 comments
{On Humility}
Humility is confidence rightly placed
-Pastor Ron Salsbury-
a humble mind is the soil for a grateful heart
where no seeds of discouragement can grow
-Imelda Phillips-
"God opposes the proud
but gives grace to the humble"
1 Peter 5:5b-7
Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 3/06/2007 0 comments