{The gift of friendship}

This blogsite came about from inspiration from several friends:

To Paz .... Thank you for always being there and for showing me selflessness.

To Janet ... You have a wonderful sense of always seeing the lighter side of life.
Thank you for showing me how to stay positive.

To Pat .... Times spent with you are most insightful.
Thank you for the enlightenment.

To Owen .... Like great music, art, literature, and nature....you inspire me.
Thank you for bringing out the artist in me.

To Cecile .... How wonderful to have a wise friend like you. When I can't see the forest for the
trees, you pull back the leaves and say, "Look again."
Thank you for the constant encouragement my angel friend.

To God.......I will always cherish the gift of wonderful friendships. Thank you for sending angel
friends down my path. They are truly your instruments causing my cup to overflow
with inspiration, enlightenment and thanksgiving. I thirst no more.

Posted byImelda@Inspired Simplicity at 10/09/2006  


Owen said... 10:34 PM  

Thanks Ate Imelds. One can tell when one strikes a great friendship....it is when each individual inspires another. Likewise, it is from great friendships that all the beautiful things in life emerges and God's love permeates all that surrounds us and all that we are with. Thank you too for all the inspiration and encouragement.

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